Comedor privado
Comedor privado en Roatan
¿Quieres organizar una comida especial? En Alera, tenemos todos los ingredientes que necesitas para un evento privado para recordar: menús curados de nuestro talentoso equipo culinario; cocina mediterránea que combina perfectamente con nuestros vinos de origen internacional, vitrinas locales y cócteles elaborados por expertos; y espacios acogedores que invitan a estar dentro y de nuestra casa.
Enjoy family-style menu at AleraIt’s all about celebrating, getting together, and enjoying flavors and experiences
with friends and family. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and ignite your senses with our family-style experience,
designed exclusively for your crew. Shareable dishes are served to the center of the table—becoming the center
of attraction—promoting a delicious yet fun experience. Staying away from boring formalities, our family meal menu will
have each of your guests thrilled—with many options to try.